2026 Forum Information & Application Form

ACCESS invites academics to apply to participate in the upcoming Forum.
Thirteen interdisciplinary Research Themes have been selected for the ACCESS Forum 2024.

Click here to read more about each Research Theme.

Please note: The selected Research Themes must attract a minimum of 5 participants, from a minimum of 3 ACCESS universities, otherwise it will be canceled.

How to Apply

Preliminary Program for Researchers

The application deadline is 21 April 2025.

  • The ACCESS Forum is open to researchers from all research fields.

    Participants can be senior researchers, early career researchers* and PhD-students.

    Participants who are currently employed at one of the 17 ACCESS universities are given priority.

    *An early career researcher has been awarded their PhD within the last 8 years.

  • 21 April 2025

  • ACCESS Forum Research Themes are unique, interdisciplinary workshops that aim to bring together researchers from a variety of disciplines in order to share knowledge related to the Research Theme and discuss challenges facing our world. As the participants come from a wide range of academic disciplines, you can expect to learn new perspectives and methods to tackle the challenges inherent in your Research Theme. At its core, ACCESS is aimed at building networks and connections between Sweden and Chile to support sustainability research to better our world.

    You should not expect an ACCESS Forum to mimic a normal academic conference, in which all participants are experts on a specific niche discipline. Instead, ACCESS intentionally breaks down the barriers to bring together perspectives across the academic sphere and spanning across continents. The goal is to create new interdisciplinary networks of researchers who can collaborate further after the Forum through shared research data, grant applications, joint coursework, university visits and more.

    All of our Research Themes are based in one or several of the SDG focus areas we have for the Forum 2024 which are: SDG 3, 11, 14, 15, and 16. Read more about these here.

  • Due to space limitations, participation in the Forum is limited. Participation is therefore not guaranteed, even if you have your own funding source.

    There will be an internal selection process done by each university and the ACCESS Steering Committee, with feedback given from the PIs of the Research Themes. This selection process will take into account the applicant's motivation for participating in their selected Research Theme and their deemed relevance to the theme.

    The selection process will also attempt to ensure a diversification of participants in regards to gender balance, ACCESS-universities represented and a balanced number of PhD, young and experienced researchers.

    Selected participants will be informed of the decision in mid-late December 2023. 

Is there travel funding available?

Funding for travel expenses is available for participants*, but the amount varies depending on the ACCESS university, as each university is responsible for their own participant funding. It is also possible to participate with your own funding.

*Note: This does not apply to applicants from Uppsala University, Stockholm University, or Södertörn University, as the Forum is being held in Stockholm.

For all other applicants, please contact your local ACCESS coordinator for more information about funding amounts and processes for your university.

Supplementary applications for funding from some ACCESS Universities:

Please be aware that your ACCESS university may have a supplemental application you will be asked to fill in regarding this funding. If so, you will find the link below. It is important that you fill in both the general application for participation and this supplementary application if you are employed by one of the below-listed universities.

Gothenburg University

Lund University

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Universidad de Chile

Universidad de Concepción

Universidad de la Frontera

Universidad de O’Higgins