Innovation for personalized healthcare
It has always been the aspiration of medicine to treat the patient, not the disease. Our growing understanding of individual variability in genes, environment, and lifestyle is now enabling treatments to be tailored to the individual patient. The development of personalized medicine requires both biological investigation and innovation in the logistics needed to develop, package, and deliver a service to the healthcare system.
Often, researchers involved in biological research (such as discovering biomarkers—whether biological, genetic, or nutritional) do not interact with scientists dedicated to the engineering feasibility of delivering a product or service to healthcare professionals. This initiative aims to bring together principal investigators, early-career researchers, post-doctorates, and students from Chile and Sweden in all fields of personalized (or precision) healthcare. The goal is to take a holistic and multidisciplinary approach to promote research into clinical innovations in healthcare and define milestones for establishing international grants, scientific collaboration, and opportunities for academic (sabbatical) and student exchanges.
Key Word: Health
Joint Applications for International Grants and Collaboration: The obvious grant candidates are the European Union's HORIZON program and the Erasmus+ International Master in Innovative Medicine (IMIM), which currently promote both scientific exchange and joint co-supervision between Chile and Sweden. However, other national and international grant opportunities will also be explored.
Additionally, academic and student (doctoral) visits between Sweden and Chile, as well as the coordination of meetings and presentations at international conferences, will be discussed. The overall aim of this initiative within the ACCESS program is to learn from mutual experiences, foster networking, build confidence, and create lasting friendships.
Caroll Beltran, Universidad de Concepción
Caroll Beltrán Muñoz is an Associate Professor in the Clinical Biochemistry & Immunology Department at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universidad de Concepción, and Principal Investigator of the Laboratory of Immunogastroenterology, Gastroenterology Section, at Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile. Her research focuses on the study of immune responses and biomarker discovery in Gut-Liver-Brain Axis Disorders, following an integrated model that incorporates a biopsychosocial perspective.
Masood Kamali-Moghaddam, Uppsala University
Masood Kamali-Moghaddam is a Professor of Molecular Diagnostics at Uppsala University and the Director of the SciLifeLab Proteomics Platform. He has extensive experience in developing numerous technologies that have resulted in commercial products or services offered through SciLifeLab platforms.